A2 Jive would like to wish Everyone a Very Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year!
Hope to see you all back in January for another year of Dancing your socks off.
Classes return on the following Dates as long as the weather permits.
Please check the website if weather is bad to see if we have had to cancel thanks.
Witham Thursday 6th January
Rettendon Wednesday 12th January
Colchester Monday 17th January
Dj’s Texas Tommy, Vintage Rob and Big John Special.
Canama Shoe stall, Hair by Hair raid shelter.
Tea and Donuts.
Packed out great night.!
Very Sorry we must cancel tonights class.
Thursday Witham due to Snow and Ice.
Hope to see you all next week at the Christmas Parties.
An Afternoon of Tea and Cakes at Southend.
Organised By Anna Cooper and All the Tea in China.
40s Swing Music and Dancing by A2 JIVE.
Hair Styling by Hair Raid Shelter Gill and Dawn.
Lovely Afternoon which was another sell out.
North Weald Airfield Hanger Dance
In Aid Of Herts Air Ambulance.
Jeff Short Swing Band, Military Vehicles, Tea and Cakes by all the Tea in china.
Fish and Chip Supper.
Barking and Dagenham Theatre 40s Event.
Battle of Britain Anniversary.
Tony Strudwick Orchestra
Demo By A2 Jive and the Gang at Both Events Busy Weekend!