Hornchurch Jive Bombers Tea Dance.
Dj Andy Cap
Lovely Afternoon of Tea cakes and Dancing
First dance since Christmas good to be back!!!
Great Night with all our Friends
small in numbers but Brilliant Atmosphere
With Dans Home Made Cakes
Merry Christmas Everyone from A2.
Saturday Night All glammed up at Vintage Cocktail Evening
Sunday Djing and Dancing at Vintage Fair
Festive Demo.
Shim Sham to Elvis Presley
“WOW” Must be Christmas!!!
The Last Classes of the Year will be on
December 10th and December 11th
these will be freestyle nights.
Classes will start again on
January 21st 2015 and January 22nd 2015.
Thank you all for your support and Friendship over the past year
Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!!!
Neil and Martine A2 Jive xx