Wow !! Well that was a weekend
Singing, Dancing lots of Re Enactors and Vehicles all sorts of Weather
nice to have all the gang together Plus A2 Newbies.
Thanks to the Temple at War Team.
look forward to seeing everyone again next year.
The Last Class of the Year will be on 13th December 2018
this will be Freestyle with Nibbles
Everyone Welcome Normal Price.
We will be Back on 10th January 2019
Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if we don’t see you before.
Due to falling numbers we have made the difficult choice of closing our class at Rettendon.
we would like to thank all the students who supported this class over the years.
our last class will be 31st October 2018 which will be a freestyle with nibbles.
Our Thursday class will carry on as normal.
Martine and Neil
we have decided to cut down the number of Wednesday Classes
per month so there will be no classes on the following dates:
16th May 2018
20th June 2018
18th July 2018
15th August 2018
19th September 2018
17th October 2018
14th November 2018
19th December 2018
Thursday classes NO CHANGE.
Thank You for your support
Neil and Martine
A2 Jive